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The Official Journal of the Pan-Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies (PAPAIOS)

Table 5 List of variables

From: Which dynamic pricing rule is most preferred by consumers?—Application of choice experiment





The average electricity rate of spring, summer, fall and winter

(The electricity rate is what respondents are paying)

Numerical value


Respondents’ degree of knowledge about energy-saving behavior (i.e., what respondents suppose is a good way to save energy use). Variables show the number of such questioner choices. Total numbers of such questions are 14

1. Turning off the air conditioner

2. Setting the temperature of the air conditioner to 28 °C

3. Cleaning the air conditioner’s filter frequently

4. Turning off the TV frequently when you are not watching it

5. Putting the refrigerator in an appropriate place

6. Setting the refrigerator’s temperature properly

7. Organizing the contents of the refrigerator

8. Setting the temperature of the air conditioner to 20° in the winter

9. Lowering the temperature setting of the water heater

10. Turning on the heater only when necessary

11. Unplugging electrical products when not in use

12. Not leaving the shower running

13. Setting the temperature of electrical carpet properly

14. Not reheating a bath


Whether respondents live in an all-electric home

Respondents live in an all-electric home = 1

Other = 0


The number of households of respondents

Numerical value


Whether the respondent has a job in an electric power industry

Yes = 1

No = 0


Age of respondent

Numerical value


Gender of respondent

Male = 1

Female = 0


Academic record

Respondents graduated from

Primary school = 0

Junior high school = 1

High school = 2

National College of Technology = 3

Vocational school = 4

Junior college = 5

University = 6

Master’s degree program = 7

Doctoral degree program = 8


Annual income of respondents

Numerical value


The risk-level preference of respondents

Numerical value


Whether the respondents live in the Tokyo metropolitan area

Respondents lived in the Tokyo metropolitan area = 1

Other = 0


Whether respondents stay at home almost all day

Respondents stay at home almost all day = 1

Other = 0


Whether respondents live a self-owned home

Respondents live in self-owned home = 1

Other = 0


Whether respondents live in a rented house

Respondents live in rented house = 1

Other = 0


Whether respondents live in an apartment

Respondents live in an apartment = 1

Other = 0


Whether households of respondents are composed of only a married couple

Households of respondents are composed only of a married couple = 1

Other = 0

Couple child

Whether households of respondents are composed of a married couple and a child

Households of respondents are composed of a married couple and a child = 1

Other = 0

Three generations

Whether households of respondents are composed of three generations

Households of respondents are composed of three generations = 1

Other = 0


Whether respondents live alone

Respondents live alone = 1

Other = 0


Electricity rate per month

Numerical value


Initial cost to introduce the tool for dynamic pricing

Numerical value


Constant term

Numerical value