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The Official Journal of the Pan-Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies (PAPAIOS)

Table 4 Variable and parameter definitions

From: Compilation of a regionally extended inter-country input–output table and its application to global value chain analyses


ICIO table (known)

Domestic IRIO table (known)

REXICIO table (\(R,\,S \ne T\)) (unknown)

Transaction of intermediate products



\(x_{ij}^{RS} = \bar{x}_{ij}^{RS} ,x_{ij}^{rS} ,x_{ij}^{Rs} , x_{ij}^{rs}\)

Transaction of final demand products



\(y_{ik}^{RS} = \bar{y}_{ik}^{RS} ,y_{ik}^{rS} ,y_{ik}^{Rs} , y_{ik}^{rs}\)

Import row vector (or matrix)


\({\text{MX}}_{j}^{s} ,{\text{MY}}_{k}^{s}\)

(\({\text{mx}}_{ij}^{s} ,{\text{my}}_{ik}^{s}\))


Export column vector







\(X_{i}^{R} = \bar{X}_{i}^{R} , X_{i}^{r}\)

Value added



\(V_{j}^{S} = \bar{V}_{j}^{S} , V_{j}^{s}\)

Column-sum of final demand



\(Y_{k}^{S} = \bar{Y}_{k}^{S} , Y_{k}^{s}\)

  1. \({\text{ex}}_{p}^{rS}\) and \({\text{ey}}_{pk}^{rS}\) used in the paper are from customs data rather than IO tables. They represent target country’s domestic region r’s exports to country S for good p by end-use categories (ex: intermediate goods; ey: final goods)